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 * Image object with metadata & blur image
interface Image {
   * public url of the image
  src: string
   * image width
  width: number
   * image height
  height: number
   * blurDataURL of the image
  blurDataURL: string
   * blur image width
  blurWidth: number
   * blur image height
  blurHeight: number


 * File loader
interface Loader {
   * Loader name
   * @description
   * The same name will overwrite the built-in loader,
   * built-in loaders: 'json', 'yaml', 'matter'
  name: string
   * File test regexp
   * @example
   * /\.md$/
  test: RegExp
   * Load file content
   * @param file vfile
   * @returns entry or entries
  load: (file: VFile) => Promisable<Entry | Entry[]>


interface ZodMeta extends VeliteFile {}

class VeliteFile extends VFile {
   * Get parsed records from file
  get records(): unknown

   * Get content of file
  get content(): string | undefined

   * Get mdast object from cache
  get mdast(): Root | undefined

   * Get hast object from cache
  get hast(): Nodes | undefined

   * Get plain text of content from cache
  get plain(): string | undefined

   * Get meta object from cache
   * @param path file path
   * @returns resolved meta object if exists
  static get(path: string): VeliteFile | undefined

   * Create meta object from file path
   * @param options meta options
   * @returns resolved meta object
  static async create({ path, config }: { path: string; config: Config }): Promise<VeliteFile>


 * Markdown options
interface MarkdownOptions {
   * Enable GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM).
   * @default true
  gfm?: boolean
   * Remove html comments.
   * @default true
  removeComments?: boolean
   * Copy linked files to public path and replace their urls with public urls.
   * @default true
  copyLinkedFiles?: boolean
   * Remark plugins.
  remarkPlugins?: PluggableList
   * Rehype plugins.
  rehypePlugins?: PluggableList

Refer to Unified for more information about remarkPlugins and rehypePlugins.


 * MDX compiler options
export interface MdxOptions extends Omit<CompileOptions, 'outputFormat'> {
   * Enable GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM).
   * @default true
  gfm?: boolean
   * Remove html comments.
   * @default true
  removeComments?: boolean
   * Copy linked files to public path and replace their urls with public urls.
   * @default true
  copyLinkedFiles?: boolean
   * Output format to generate.
   * @default 'function-body'
  outputFormat?: CompileOptions['outputFormat']

Refer to MDX for more information about CompileOptions.

Distributed under the MIT License.