Last Modified Schema
You can create a custom schema to show the last modified time for your contents. This can be based on:
File stat
Git timestamp
Based on file stat
Create a timestamp schema based on file stat.
import { stat } from 'fs/promises'
import { defineSchema } from 'velite'
const timestamp = defineSchema(() =>
.custom<string | undefined>(i => i === undefined || typeof i === 'string')
.transform<string>(async (value, { meta, addIssue }) => {
if (value != null) {
addIssue({ fatal: false, code: 'custom', message: '`s.timestamp()` schema will resolve the file modified timestamp' })
const stats = await stat(meta.path)
return stats.mtime.toISOString()
Use it in your schema
const posts = defineCollection({
// ...
schema: {
// ...
lastModified: timestamp()
Based on git timestamp
import { exec } from 'child_process'
import { promisify } from 'util'
import { defineSchema } from 'velite'
const execAsync = promisify(exec)
const timestamp = defineSchema(() =>
.custom<string | undefined>(i => i === undefined || typeof i === 'string')
.transform<string>(async (value, { meta, addIssue }) => {
if (value != null) {
addIssue({ fatal: false, code: 'custom', message: '`s.timestamp()` schema will resolve the value from `git log -1 --format=%cd`' })
const { stdout } = await execAsync(`git log -1 --format=%cd ${meta.path}`)
return new Date(stdout).toISOString()
Use it in your schema
const posts = defineCollection({
// ...
schema: {
// ...
lastModified: timestamp()